Friday, April 18, 2008

Oh dear

It's 7:39 p.m. in California and we haven't escaped L.A. yet. It's been a really crazy day. Not a big fan of Delta, for one, and not a big fan of Budget car rental. Between the two of them, we are at least 4 hours off our agenda. Because of that, we've been sitting in awesome L.A. traffic and we're both tired and ready to call it quits for the day.

But, the car adapter for the computer just died so Dad is currently in Target looking for a replacement. Not even through Day 1 and the damn thing pooped out.

Haven't seen much of Route 66 yet. EAGER to get out of here and start seeing some stuff. Took a few pictures but nothing noteworthy, mostly road signs.

Oh, and on our first plane ride this morning, the flight attendant came on the PA and said, "We are pleased to offer you a selection of beverages this morning and Biscoff cookies." I was like, "Yesss!" but moments later, she returned to the P.A. saying, "I apologize but our snack this morning will be peanuts." ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME. Peanuts?! At 7 AM?!

Dad and I have been on the quest for a hotel during the last hour but there hasn't been much luck. Here's to hoping we find something soon. I haven't used the restroom in about 7 hours and haven't eaten anything since 11 a.m. (crackers on plane #2).

Ok, plane 2 story:
We land in Atlanta. Plane leaves from E11 at 9:50 for LAX. We walk to the gate around 9:15 and the dude says, "There has been an equipment and gate change." So we go to E18 and there is a huge line of people, all having to recheck in because its a smaller plane. Ugh. So I'm standing in line, afraid we won't get seats, and the dude THERE says that there has been another change in equipment to accomodate all passengers, so please return to E11. So I'm speed walking to get to the head of the line at E11... and by the time everyone is re-checked in, we don't depart till 11 a.m. I don't like you Delta!

And then we finally get to LA and there is the world's longest line for rental cars I have ever seen. It took FOREVER to get through the line. Ho hum.

Signing off now. Computer isn't going to last much longer without power supply.
:) Valarie


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